Last month Apple announced the end of the iPod. I thought it might be fun to document my history with the product.

I got my first iPod in March 2005. I believe I bought mine at Best Buy on a weekend trip 350 miles away from home.

Picture of my first iPod

I was listening to a lot of podcasts in those early days and had to use “podcatcher” software because iTunes didn’t support podcasts yet. That changed later that year when iTunes 4.9 added podcasts and the rest is history.

I visited that same Best Buy a couple years later when the iPod Touch was released. I remember checking their website and they said they had them in stock, but when I got to the store I couldn’t find them. I finally asked and they were still in the back, they went and got one for me.

My first iPod Touch

The iPod Touch was so much fun back then. The iPhone wasn’t “in” Montana back then (no joke) and so the Touch was as close as I could get. I remember jailbreaking the thing, and even hanging out in IRC chatrooms trying to troubleshoot my jailbreak attempts. :-D

This past winter I spent ~$100 on new parts to revive my old 4th gen iPod. It now has new life with a fresh battery and an SD card in place of the 20GB spinning hard drive. It’s hard to believe a piece of consumer technology from 17 years ago is still alive and well.

I love iPod. It was one of my first adventures into a lifetime of technology.